Back on the road again

Time has slipped away The pictures are as David posts them so they are a bit out of order but interesting just the same. he is using his I phone and posting images directly to face book

If you would like to follow directly with David ask to be his friend on face book

Wildman making nice with the locals

Our campsite at lake Powel:)

Behind the mountains was a storm...and a made me remember why I'm biking x-country

A coke from Mexico...made with real cane sugar...sweet

Hollow mountain gas station...o:

Footbridge taking you over to a rest water...but nice shade...there were lizards everywhere:)

Coming through Canyon lands was really breathtaking

Dirty devil lake from a seriously high bridge...I haughked a lugi or two..jk mom(:

Canyon lands

Canyon lands

White Canyon, Utah

Rain off in the distance...we dodged it:)

This turned out to be an abandoned campground in the mountains...a victim of the tough economic times...there loss is our gain:)

Went up to this cabin turned the knob, it opened. Flipped the lights and they went on...two beds, a chair, shower, and electricity all worked in the abandoned campground:)

A glimpse inside the cabin and our hobo heaven:)

A plant growing out of the middle of the floor of the cabin!

Our first rocky mountain pass. 10,220 ft.

The beard is getting serious folks

St. Christopher always around my neck. Patron saint of the traveler.

Ralph Lauren's Ranch and his much talked about million $ four pole fence

I realize this dates me but for all of you around my same vintage... Yes of really exists

Top of the world as far as were concerned

Metal sculpture


Maraka homemade by my uncle Jamal.. Delecious:)

Mehedi preparing the fire wood:)

Now this is campin:)

My cousins Mehedi and Alyssa

I want them thar bicycles

All your money won't another minute buy, All I am is dust in the wind

he garage that saved the day during a storm in Kansas

The abandoned house we called home for a night

Mid morning snack + a 32 oz. Gatorade not in pic...this was after breakfast.

Saved this guy from the middle of highway 96...what did I get? He peed on me;)

Kansas...home of...well...not very much.

Time zone #2

Rain on the Sangre De Christos mt. Range

Beginning of a 52 mph downhill

Rafters about to hit the rapids on the Arkansas River

Quakers?...we were in Salida Co. Just east of monarch pass

Climbing Monarch pass. Real danger.....on both sides.

Deep into the western Rockies

Heading up the Rockies

View from the drivers seat

Back date photo update

Package mailed by Vivian...sunglasses hand painted by inspired by Jackson Polock...oh yea:)

Hand painted awesomness by Mehedi Boudhaouia...ispired by Jackson Pollock...he denies the accident;)


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